Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Widget Update

      I do believe BC’s mum is correct, at times you can offer a hand and a better path, but the past is so ingrained into some that they may want something more, but be unable to break the bonds of the past. That is where we are with Widget.
            She says she wants more, but her actions do not always show that willingness to put forth the effort to do so. Yes, she did well in school this semester and I do believe she wants to graduate. However, I do not think she is as willing to continue to put in the blood, sweat and tears to accomplish the goal. Nor do I believe she truly sees the big picture.
            For example, she stated a few months ago she needed more space between her and her biological family, so M and I got a house further away, yet close enough if she wanted to see them she could do so. The only thing this initially accomplished was costing more in gas because she still went there daily and needed a ride home, and on the weekends from the time school as out on Friday until Sunday night we did not hear from her.
            Now she provided a variety of reasons for this. One being that school was out at 2:11 and I was at work until 5, and it wasn’t safe for her to be home alone. This excuse did not hold water due to us living in an extremely low crime area. In fact in the past 24 months there has been only two calls for police in our addition and both of those were for domestics at the same address, and those residents have since moved. We did have a house fire in our housing addition a couple weeks ago, but it was not arson but a kitchen fire that got out of control. He biological family however, lives in a higher crime rate, in fact that is why I agreed so easily to move. The area has gone primarily section 8.
            Please do not get me wrong I have nothing against people who need the assistance of section 8, and truly believe some do need the assistance. The sad truth is that in an area that is primarily section 8 you get those who need it, and those who simply want the hand out so they can do as they please with activities such as parties, stealing, fighting etc. And thus, there is a group of people more apt to ignore the law and do as they please and who do not work for things they want.
            With that said this is her biological family. Let me explain, her mother now works a grand total of two nights a week, is not looking for more, and is collecting welfare benefits for herself and Widget despite M and I supporting Widget. Her mother now has a boyfriend and they often argue to the point that it gets physical. It is not the boyfriend lashing out violently it is the mother. They are primarily residing with Widget’s grandmother who is on section 8, food stamps and disability. She is in her 70s and is unable to work. However, it is apparent that government assistance has been a way of life for this entire family for years. Next is Widget’s 19 year old brother who lives with grandma. He never leaves the house, has not graduated high school and prefers to spend his entire waking moments playing video games, and is working on a pretty good alcohol addiction. If anyone asks the family what he plans to do with his life, they will make excuses.  Then there is a niece living there who does work, but is equally uninspired to do more than work at a minimum wage job. All of these people live in a small three bedroom apartment of which Widget is tossed into the mix since she prefers to be there, where many of the people do not have a bed to sleep in and will flop on the couch of wherever they fall.
            They all stay up all night and sleep all day, on or around the first of the month they load up and go to the casino and will stay sixteen or seventeen hours gambling. None of them have a concept of working for things, and truly believe that they are entitled to be supported by tax payer funded welfare benefits. Initially this all confused me, but then it dawned on me that Widget sees two different worlds. Let me explain.
            M and I both work hard in our perspective jobs, our friends all work and usually in the evening we are tired when we get home, still have to prepare dinner, do required housekeeping etc, and then fall into be just to do it all again the next day. One the weekends we often stay home just to recuperate our energy supplies so we are ready for the upcoming Monday. If we want something extra we work harder, or cut back where we can, save and the buy whatever it may be. We live on a budget, and as such purchase groceries that fit into the budget. (Granted we do eat pretty darn well *laughs*)
            Then we have Widget’s family, who do not work, who gets money from the state or wherever they can, can sleep all day, party all night and have pretty much not self-control because they do not have to. They can go out all night at the casinos, or if you are her brother you can sit home ALL the time, play video games all night and mom and grandma will supply beer and cigarettes.  In other words, they get the fun without the responsibility.
            Now at 17 you are presented with both worlds. And I have to admit at 17 the life with no self-control, no rules and not responsibilities would have looked pretty damned appealing to me as well. So she has the work hard for what you want or party and let the government foot the bill If you were an average teenager what would you pick?
            Oh and in our home we have rules. State law says under 18 has a curfew of 10 p.m. during the week and midnight on Friday and Saturday. Because we believed her to be responsible those are the curfew times we instituted. We did let it slide on special occasions such as prom night, but for the most part those were the limits. We also expected to know where she was going and with who, no parties without adult supervision etc.
            However, with mom it is acceptable to stay out until 5 in the morning because as her family stated “she was with her cousin who would not let anything happen to her” Said cousin is not yet 18 either and just graduated high school this year. Oh and during at least one of these outings they landed at a party with other underage teens with drugs and alcohol. Yet to her family this is acceptable because Widget and the cousin did not drink or use any drugs. I wanted to scream am I the only one to see an issue here.
            Just prior to school being out for the summer, really the only time we heard from Widget was if she wanted a ride somewhere or for us to buy her something. (Hummm no responsibility and still get what she wants purchased for her). Thus, M and I decided to stop being her taxi and stop being her banker to see what happened. Frankly, right around prom I started feeling very used by her and her family. We also took bets on what would happen when school was out for the summer. Seems we were both right, school has been out since a week ago last Thursday and she has not been home. I did hear from her for the first time last night with excuses of why she has not checked in. Sadly, we agreed that if she failed to return home for two weeks we would assume she prefers the other life and wants ours only to pay the bills and as such let her mother know she can just stay with them.
            I rather feel like a failure for trying to help her and offer her something better but her preferring the other. I simply have grown tired of banging my head against a wall. Yet I am saddened. She is a smart, beautiful girl who has so much potential. Her counselor at school even stated she could get her a full ride scholarship because everything she has overcome to succeed. The problem is she hasn’t overcome anything and has been sucked back in. I initially was willing to fight for her, and we tried, but when she herself has chosen the alternative, it is fighting a losing battle.
            Next, Thursday will be two weeks, and M will go and have a discussion with her and her family. I am unsure if I will go along because it does break my heart, and I have a nasty temper which would probably take over and I would explain to the family exactly what their lack of desire to make something of their lives, their willingness to lie and even fracter a law or two to get what they want and their life of no responsibility is exactly how she is going to end up and instead of being a productive member of society she will likely end up a leech on the welfare system not because she needs the help but because she sees no reason to aspire to more. Again there are those who truly need the help of welfare and do aspire to more, but as in a terrible situation of which they need help and there are those who abuse the system to make it harder for those who truly need it. Sadly her family is of the latter group.
            So there is the widget update, I wish it was better news, and I truly hope I am wrong in which path I believe Widget will choose and somehow she will overcome her family ties to make something of her life, but by something she has said recently and her actions, I am not so sure. I wish we could have done more.


  1. I'm so sorry, I feel your heartbreak :( It sounds like you have done everything possible to help Widget in every way. Don't feel as though you failed, because you succeeded on a few fronts. She did better in school, she doesn't use drugs or alcohol. Thanks to you she had a lovely prom night and perhaps even made a few "worthwhile" friends. At the very least you gave her a window in to another better life than she had or that her family is able to provide. At the best you gave her a wonderful opportunity and showed her how happy, productive, loving families live.

    There is no accounting for her apparent decision except blood ties and her comfort zone. It's so hard to tell with these things. Teenagers, teenagers...sigh. In the end, if she doesn't return I hope she will someday realize what she gave up. I also hope she will carry some of the valuable lessons you gave her.

    Even biological parents at times wish they could have done more or something different. I know I have.

    Try to believe your efforts (which were awe inspiring) were not wasted. Be proud.

  2. New#3 said it right. You "gave her a window in to another better life".

    Did you have your talk on Thursday? You can't continue the way things are. She needs to have responsibility and appreciate what she's been given.

    I did better helping older people, one a gal with a lower IQ who had been a drifter and exotic dancer for years, no work history to speak of. Now made it through a couple of training programs, was a long distance truck driver, now has a job as an airport shuttle driver, bought a house by herself. She is a helper and good hearted. Still has problems but a good person. Another similar problems and doing better. I am so proud of them.

    Brianna was only 6, lousy family. She called everybody aunt, uncle, sister, brother, etc. They were not. The thing is that she was very smart but was allowed to run wild and stay up until 3 or so in the morning and sleep all day, have no chores, go out until all hours, sleep all over town with mom wherever she was, run around with a friend 10 years older. The adults never worked, were supported by the grandparents, didn't work at all, and were stuck on relationships with each other. No responsibility. Only relationships. The kid was in advanced classes making all As until this year when she dropped out in 6th grade and went to those classes where they only get assignments once a week. All night she was out with the 10 year older friend who has no driver's license but has a car and drive around and steal signs and all that. I did a lot for her. Took her places all the time and made everything a learning experience. She was a charmer, easy to talk to adults, learned so much. Even went to Disneyworld in Florida. I kept emphasing that if you worked, you too could have these experiences. Your life would be so much better. But no, this is what has happened. I hope someday she remembers. She has great potential. It's the lifestyle of running around and the emphasis on people, even the thinking they are relatives that blasts the goodness out of them. The really good kids at school don't have anything to do with them because the parents see that they are a bad influence. Too bad. They could do so much, but probably won't. We hope for the best. The grandmother works herself to death and is cranky with them but doesn't lay down the law. Love hurts them. Both gram's daughter and granddaughter are mooching and give no respect. It hurts me. I would give them money but they spend it on lottery. Gram would spend it on the kid. So I won't help anymore. We do our best, and sometimes the best is to do nothing.

  3. We have not had the talk with her family and I know I am hoing to have to and I'n sad over it. We have an out card though and intend to use it. We have a friend who needed a place to stay and he works and can pay rent so we let him movein Saturday. She does not knowit yet because I have not heard from her in a month so I assume she doesn't really care as long as I buy her stuff and when that stopped so did her talking to me at all. We will tell her there is another man living in the house and she should be uncomfortable enough to go to grammas and stay, which sad to say is where she needs to be.
    I just cannot see throwing money away when we have so little to spare...bummer..

  4. Let me feel in a bit more. I realize our decision to send her back home may see crass and uncaring but that is far from how it is. It breaks my heart to turn her back over to them, however at this point I do not feel we have a choice.

    I hear from her maybe once a week via text messages. Last week I got a text from her at 11pm saying “Sorry I did not text you sooner but I got her safe” Of course I was not sure where “here was” or why it was coming to me so late. Come to find out she had decided to go meet her father in California and had left more than 36 hours prior to telling us. Up until we got the text we assumed she was at her grandmothers. And to top it off she is not staying with her father or grandfather there, but a half-sister who is 18 or 19, meaning she really has no adult supervision, and her mother is fine with it, after all she is 17 and can make her own decisions. And that are her exact words

    Sadly, this letting her do what she wants and travel out of state, or go to parties where there is underage drinking and illegal drug use comes with potential legal ramifications and if we remained her guardians those ramifications come back on us. If we have no say in what she does, I do not feel we should be the ones who could be held legally responsible for and potentially risk our home, our jobs etc.

    Therefore a choice had to be made. We attempted to discuss this with her and her family more than once and it fell and continues to fall on deaf ears So, it is time for her to return to where she wants to be.

    Regardless of her lack of respect to me and M, I do not want to risk legal issues when it is her family who allows her to “make her own decisions” even when we say no.

  5. L and M, of course you can't continue to support this kid. She wanted something and then walked away from it, and the disrespect she showed to you both makes me angry. I understand your concern over repercussions you could have. Of course her family has no worries about repercussions because they don't have anything. They are so irresponsible that no one can even hold them responsible for their actions. They make sure they have nothing for anyone to attach. Makes me very angry.

    The kid I am concerned about posted to Facebook today that she is going to be moving out of her house for a few months so she won't have all the stress. She's really glad. She is now 13 years old. I'm sure she will be staying with the ignorant 20 yr old. So the parent has simply also given up on taking care of her at all. Brianna fights and screams and runs out of he house, according to her grandmother. So what. Call the cops. Damned if a 13 yr old runs out on me at 2 am and I should do nothing. Don't think so. She doesn't need to fight. I talk to her calmly and get a lot further with her. Tone of voice does a lot. The mom has 2 or 3 kids she never raised. They are older than Brianna and she has only had minimal contact with one, and that recently and that kid told the mom to get lost. He had her figured out quick.

    I swear, these people suck big time. And I am astounded that there are so many of them.
    The grandmother is embarrassed to tell me what is happening but I find out from Brianna herself. The grandma makes excuses, but obviously she did a lousy job on her own daughter and now the granddaughter is the same. The grandma works herself to death because nobody else will. Such disrespect. Well L, with all the problems, at least we learned that we should take care of our mothers. Not the other way around. And I may have resented it, because I wanted the love and easy relationship that I saw with others, but still I feel better as a person for the way I acted. The way this daughter and granddaughter act is so damnable. Over and out.
